at Eden of Roses

at Eden of Roses Epagneul nain Continental (Papillon)

Epagneul nain Continental (Papillon)


Actualité publié le 25/11/2018

at Eden of Roses - FLY HIGH CONCORDE


Every breed have those legendary dogs and producers and also breeders who have stamped the breed strongly. In papillons Sweden has produced some of the most well known and beautiful dogs in the world.

One of those special dogs in world of papillons were INT NORD CH Fly High Concorde "Kånken" who was bred by Christina Hedman. This great dog was born 1st December 1981 and became truly a living legend of his own time. He himself was sired by the beautiful CH Moondrops Caruso who was a grandson of CH Pierosas Rinaldo-Rinaldini. "Kånkens" dam was FIN SWED CH NORDIC WINNER 1980 Fly High Pascalle-Petite who was also a CH Pierosas Rinaldo-Rinaldini granddaughter. Talk about clever line-breeding indeed.

"Kånken" was out of the litter of three and his brother Fly High Cayenne was a INT NORD CH and a great producer as well. Only bitch in the litter , INT NORD CH Fly High Chantilly produced only one litter of two puppies born 1985.

What make this dog so special then? I think he had the most beautiful head, expression and of course those fabulous long and thick fringes made him look very special. Even colour is not important but "Kånken" was such a beautiful deep rich mahogany sable with jet black pigmet and those black fringes crowned the pretty nead perfectly. He was also very correct sized and had lovely long coat and true papillon attitude. He also became very international and very much talked dog since many well known breeders of that time imported his puppies from Sweden around the world. They even produced nicely and this dog got so much attention among the breeders.

I never met this fabulous dog live but i was lucky to own his son NORD CH Pepejas Night Suprice "Challe" who gave me many beautiful Connection champions. Also my dear Ulla from world famous Siljans used "Kånken" one time and also his sire, Caruso few times and many beautiful Siljans were born. Wonderful small Concorde son with awesome fringes, Siljans Star of Hope was an important stud in late 80´s at Siljans.

A great dog with a great story ....


