FROM 60's CH Ringlands Red Link
Its all about the girls at the end, right? I went through my papillon library while i was once again thinking about the size issue we have in the breed. Looks like I frequently try to get breeders and judges to put more attention to this very important matter. Correct me if I am wrong but England and Usa do not have the size problem as big as we have in eastern Europe, Scandinavia and Russia. Visiting UK so many times and now attending Usa nationals again in april as a visitor and as a judge I still can see the true respect for the size issue in both countries. And was heartwarming to note the respect for the daintiness and prettieness while talking with the breeders.
Lets go back nearly sixty yrs and take a look at these beautiful English champion bitches from the 60´s. They all have something in common and and looking closer you will find them so beautiful and typey and all these five could be shown even today with pride and joy.
CH Ringlands Red Link was born 30th April 1960 by CH Ringlands Peter Piper and Ringlands Red Skirt. . She was bred and owned by Mrs Norma Staff. Compact and well balanced bitch with correct proportions. Beautiful classic papillon head with lovely ears. Looks like she has a lovely black pigment giving that alert look. Both neck and tail in balance giving lovely silhuet indeed.
CH Thingden Little Moe (picture 2) was born 17th Feb 1962 and was sired by Stouravon Rock-A -Billy and Picaroon Oreilles. She was bred and owned by Mrs Benson. I think she is ultra feminine and has beautiful silhuet. Love her topline and tail. And even being small she has wonderful balance and beautiful straight front legs. Such a pretty feminine head. I see so much elegance and style on her.
Picture three is CH Inverdon Leila, born 5th Aug 1964. She was bred by Mr George Henderson and owned by Miss Grattidge. I am smelting when I look this old picture. Such a pretty black-white bitch with whom I could enter in the ring any day. Again so well balanced and with the most correct front. Her ears are really like butterfly wings. She has everything what the breed standard describes. So pretty indeed.
CH Inverdon Endora (picture four) is also so classic blacl-white bitch in so many ways. Bred by Mr George Henderson and owned by Mrs Barrack. Her body proportion and balance is just there. Large well set ears and feminine expression just makes you smile. Also note the correct tail and front. Lovely coat.
Picture number five is CH Ringlands Scarlet Ribbon out of Ringlands Gay Gordon and Ringlands Titian Princess. She was born 25June 1967 and was owned and bred by Mrs Norma Staff. Look that red-sable and white head piece. That is perfect little papillon bitch head. So feminine and lovely balance with ears, eyes and nose Again so sound in body with correct front. And look that tail again. And absolutely no more coat needed.
I think all these five quality champion bitches from the 60´s have that true butterfly look and they are so full of type and size and balance. Even pictures are old and dark but all these five pictures made me smile and feel good. I would take a bitch like this in any second and be very proud owner of true papillon indeed.
CH Thingden Little Moe
CH Inverdon Leila
CH Inverdon Endora
CH Ringlands Scarlet Ribbon